Summer 1 Eagle is out!

Our Pastoral Structure

Tutor Groups
All students belong to a tutor group which forms a crucial part of our pastoral structure at Falmouth School. Tutor groups are formed within a year group and the number of tutor groups may vary depending on the intake. Each tutor group is overseen by a dedicated tutor who in effect acts as the key adult for those students. The role of the tutor is really important: tutors welcome their tutees every Morning Greeting, celebrate their readiness for learning and support them where necessary. During tutor time, the tutors deploy a range of activities that form a consistent diet across all year groups, such as reading activities, learning skills activities, PSHE and Personal Development activities, depending on the year group. In addition, the tutors serve as the first port of call for the parents. Tutors get in touch with the parents and families to promote and celebrate attendance, offer support and also monitor the progress and success of all students as individuals and as a tutor group. 

Learning Leaders
Learning Leaders oversee the tutors and their tutor groups. The Learning Leaders get to know the students really well as they work with the students and tutors daily. We have three Learning Leaders: Learning Leader Y7-Y8; Learning Leader Y9-Y10 and Learning Leader for Y11. Students in the Sixth Form also are in a tutor group: their tutor programme is adapted based on their educational journey and the needs to support their life skills and independent living. 

Wellbeing Team & TIS Practitioners
The Wellbeing Team and the TIS (Trauma Informed School) practitioners support the students and they collaborate together with the Pastoral Lead, Mrs Guest, who oversees Safeguarding & Culture and Behaviour & Attitudes.

At Falmouth School we utilise the triage approach by linking all the key people together on a daily basis and to triangulate the support necessary for any students in a proactive and reactive way so that the students can maintain their learning engagement alongside their peers as much as possible and as soon as possible. Students can ask for support through the Student Support Form. The access to different services is considered internally and externally, depending on the circumstances, context and the student’s needs. The key focus is to support the students to be successful, develop self-help skills and learn how to access support when needed positively, with increased confidence whilst developing their independence and love for learning and their school.