Summer 1 Eagle is out!

Work Experience

Falmouth School is excited to announce the reintroduction of work experience into the curriculum for both Year 10 and Year 12 students. 

Understanding Work Experience

Work experience is a government initiative designed to provide valuable exposure to the professional world for school students. During this period, students secure placements at employer premises, engaging in specific tasks or duties that mirror those of employees. The primary focus is on the educational aspects of the experience, allowing students to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in IT, Careers, PSHE, and Citizenship in a real workplace setting.

Objectives of Work Experience Week:

  1. Insight into Desired Fields: Give students a glimpse of working in their desired field of employment.
  2. Workplace Etiquette: Teach students how to present themselves professionally in a workplace.
  3. Transferable Skills: Develop skills such as communication and teamwork.
  4. Linking Studies to Workplace: Provide an opportunity for students to connect school studies with a real-world workplace.
  5. Preparation for the Working World: Prepare students for the demands and expectations of the professional world.
  6. Diversity Awareness: Offer insight into the diversity of employees in the workplace.
  7. Networking Opportunities: Allow students to network and establish new connections.

Placement Process

Finding a Work Experience Placement: During designated tutor time sessions, students will be encouraged to find their own placements. A database of available placements can be accessed through the website, using a unique PIN number provided to each student. Placements can also be secured through personal connections or internet searches.

Approval and Consent Form: Once a placement is secured and accepted, an Approval and Consent Form will be sent home for parents to complete section 1 ("Information About the Student"). The completed form must be returned to the school by the deadline set. Afterward, the form will be sent to the placement provider for completion of sections 2 and 3. Once approved, the form will be returned to the parents for final consent.

Health Safety and Welfare: The Cornwall Education Business Partnership will ensure the health, safety, and welfare of students by visiting the placement provider before the experience. A general health and safety course will be provided, and for high-risk placements, specific risks and control measures will be highlighted. Students will receive a health and safety induction on the first morning of their placement, which will be recorded in their logbook.

Contact Information

If your son or daughter requires a placement outside the specified dates or has any specific considerations, please contact the school using our usual enquiries process.

We look forward to providing our students with enriching and educational work experience opportunities in 2024.