Summer 1 Eagle is out!


Welcome to the Falmouth School Drama Department, where the art of expression takes center stage, and students embark on a journey of self-discovery through the world of drama. Drama is more than just a subject; it is a powerful tool that helps students develop various ways of expressing themselves and gain insights into how others convey emotions and feelings – vital life skills that extend far beyond the stage.

In the early years of our Drama program, from Years 7 to 9, we focus on skill development through a comprehensive scheme that aligns with the National Curriculum for English. This foundational period allows students to explore their creative potential, laying the groundwork for their journey through the dramatic arts.

As students progress into Year 10, 11, 12, and 13, we challenge them to further develop their acting repertoire. This includes immersive experiences such as visits to contemporary companies and engaging workshops that broaden their understanding of the dramatic arts. We believe in providing a dynamic and challenging environment where students can explore and expand their dramatic abilities.

Live performance is at the heart of our school. This is not only to showcase our students' talents but to create community events that bring together students, parents, and the wider community. We take pride in our students' contributions to these spectacular performances, which are a testament to their effort, dedication, creativity and growth within the world of drama.

Join us at the Falmouth School Drama Department, where we foster a love for the performing arts and cultivate the skills and confidence needed for self-expression. Together, we embark on a theatrical journey that not only enriches students' lives during their time at Falmouth School but also equips them with invaluable skills for their future endeavors.