Summer 1 Eagle is out!

Praise and Rewards

We believe that when students feel valued and appreciated, they are more likely to actively engage in their learning, take risks, and strive for excellence. Praise not only boosts confidence but also fosters a growth mindset, encouraging students to view setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth.

Praise Points

‘Star Student’ Postcards
Teachers issue ‘star student’ postcards within their subjects/ lessons when a student excels and
deserves a specific recognition. The ‘Star Student’ postcard is awarded for excellent effort,
academic success, fantastic progress made, or for outstanding contributions within the
lesson/subject. The ‘Star Student’ postcard equates to five praise points which are awarded
through clicking the ‘Star Student’ button on Class Charts.

The Gold Star Standard
The Gold Star Standard is issued to students by their tutors during the morning greeting. Students
can achieve the Gold Star Standard for arriving at school wearing the correct uniform, for
being punctual and arriving at school and the greeting on time, and for bringing the correct
equipment to school. Students who meet the Gold Star Standard will be issued with three praise
points daily. Should students only meet two of the requirements, they will be issued with a Silver
Star Standard, and if they meet one of the requirements, they will be issued with a Bronze Star

  • Gold Star Standard= 3 praise points
  • Silver star standard= 2 praise points
  • Bronze star standard= 1 praise point
Praise Categories
Teachers are encouraged to issue students with praise points during every lesson where they

  • produced excellent work or shown excellent effort;
  • shown kindness or been helpful;
  • demonstrated good teamwork and/or resilience;
  • been reflective or a risk taker;
  • been an ambassador for the school or a library helper;
  • demonstrated excellent manners or been a star reader;
  • met the homework deadline and/or produced excellent home learning
  • been an effective communicator, inquirer or been knowledgeable;
  • attended a school club or fixture.
Each category equals one praise point. Parents and Carers and students can view the praise points
and details through their Class Charts log in details. All staff can view the praise information.

Weekly Rewards
Friday Rewards- ‘Jump the queue’ Pass

Every Friday morning during the greeting, the top ten students with the highest number of
praise points for that week (zero negative points for the week) are identified in every year
group and celebrated by Learning Leaders. Students are issued with a certificate to take
home, a ‘Jump the queue’ Pass for the canteen to use at a time of their choice for the next
week, in addition to a treat from options provided at the canteen.

Half Termly Rewards

Prize Launch & Half Termly Prize Event
At the start of every half term, the praise prize for students to work towards is announced to
students, staff and parents. Students work towards achieving this prize every half term.
The top twenty students with the most praise points achieved in the half term from each year
group win the prize that they claim on the last day of term.

Praise Raffle
At the end of every half term, a praise raffle takes place in each assembly. The top twenty
students with the most praise points in every year group (students with negative points- not
included) are entered with names drawn at random . Prizes include; 2x £10 Amazon
vouchers, 1x £20 Amazon voucher, chocolate and sweets (4 items worth £5 each).
Termly Rewards and Celebration Events
Celebration Event
Each term, a praise event is held to celebrate the achievements and progress made by
students in that term.

Praise points, attendance, academic achievements and progress are all celebrated during
this evening event and students’ families are invited to attend.

Termly Treat Trips
At the end of the Autumn, Spring and Summer term, five students from each year group with
the most praise points (zero negative points) are taken out of school on a trip. The trip is
selected based on student voice provided and is communicated to students at the start of
each year (from Sept 2024). If a student wishes not to attend the trip, they will be permitted to
wear non-school uniform for the day, and the next student in line will be offered the chance to
go on the trip.

Praise Raffle
As above.
End of Year Treats and ‘Grand Prize Draw’
Summer Celebration
Students who complete the year without being issued any negative points are treated to
summer refreshment treat at the end of the summer term. Ice creams and fun games are
provided for students to enjoy for one session in the last week of term.
Grand Prize Draw- End of Year Presentation Assembly
During the end of year whole school assembly, the top ten students in each year group are
entered into a prize raffle to win the ‘Grand Prize of the year. The item is chosen by the winner
during the assembly. Options will include a bike, a tablet or a TV to the value of £250.