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Restorative Practice

Restorative Practice at Falmouth School: Nurturing Respect and Understanding

At Falmouth School, we take pride in our dedicated team that supports behavior and learning, focusing on addressing concerns and issues that may arise in the daily lives of our pupils. In our commitment to fostering positive relationships, we have introduced the Restorative Practice approach, a transformative method to resolve conflicts, promote kindness, and restore justice within our school community.

Restorative Approach: A Pathway to Resolution

Restorative Practice aims to resolve differences that may arise, providing a pathway forward for conflicts to evolve into acceptance and forgiveness. With a highly specialized team trained by RJ Working, a local charitable organization aligned with the National Restorative Justice Council, we have embraced this approach to reinforce our commitment to creating a positive and supportive learning environment.

How Restorative Practice Works

Restorative practice operates as a mediation process between parties involved in an injustice. This process focuses on restoring respect with responsibility, with the ultimate goal of allowing relationships to move forward positively. It has proven to be highly effective in schools, relying on the consent of all parties involved.

Key Elements

  • Restoring Safety: Creating an environment where all feel safe and secure.
  • Restoring Dignity: Upholding the dignity of individuals involved in the conflict.
  • Restoring Health: Promoting emotional and mental well-being.
  • Restoring Trust and Confidence: Rebuilding trust among parties.
  • Recovery and Repair: Facilitating a recovery process that leads to improvement.

When is Restorative Practice Beneficial?

A restorative conversation becomes beneficial when there is a breakdown in communication after emotional or physical harm between parties. By addressing conflicts promptly, the entire school community benefits from a greater understanding that goes beyond mere punishment.

Implementation of Restorative Practice: A Step-by-Step Process

Stage 1 - Referral: The pastoral team makes a referral when a situation involving arguments or upset arises.

Stage 2 - Find out the Concerns: The RJ team investigates the concerns, conducting risk assessments through safeguarding.

Stage 3 - Assessment: Restorative conversations proceed only if all parties agree, including obtaining consent from parents.

Stage 4 - Mediation: The mediation process is a planned and confidential event, ensuring sensitivity and careful consideration.

Stage 5 - Follow-on Plan: Post plans are agreed upon to allow everyone involved to move forward with newfound knowledge and understanding.

At Falmouth School, Restorative Practice is not just a process; it's a commitment to building a community where conflicts are opportunities for growth and understanding. We believe that through respect and responsibility, we can create a positive and supportive learning environment for all. For further information please consider taking a look at the following links: