Summer 1 Eagle is out!

Media Studies

Welcome to Media Studies at Falmouth School, where we dive into the dynamic and ever-evolving world of media that shapes our daily lives. In an age dominated by film and TV, radio and podcasts, social media blogs, vlogs, and websites, the ability to navigate, analyze, and understand media texts has never been more crucial. Media Studies at Falmouth School is not just a course; it's a journey that develops analytical skills, enhances communication, and sparks technological creativity.

Media permeates every aspect of our existence, and distinguishing between truth and fiction while understanding how media texts are constructed, exhibited, and consumed is at the core of our curriculum. As students delve into the study of media, they gain valuable insights that go beyond the classroom, empowering them to navigate the media-saturated world with critical awareness.

Our course offers a pathway to various career options, whether it be in film, television, journalism, online media, or business. We aspire to impart knowledge, inspire creativity, and provide the tools needed to negotiate and make sense of the media landscape that surrounds us.

In Year 9, students have the exciting opportunity to opt for a BTEC Level 2 Tech Award in Creative Media Production. This three-year course immerses students in the study of different media products across a range of platforms, including computer games, vlogging, advertising, social media, film, TV, music videos, and magazines. Throughout the course, we explore the evolving media industry, examining the intricate relationship between society and the media – questioning whether society influences the media or the media influences society.

In Media Studies at Falmouth School we equip students with the skills to critically engage with the media-rich world, fostering a generation of media-savvy individuals ready to navigate the complexities of the digital age.