Summer 1 Eagle is out!

Student Support Request Form

Falmouth School is dedicated to supporting the well-being of our students through our easy to access Support Form. This form empowers you or your child to take charge of their mental and emotional health by booking sessions with our dedicated Wellbeing Team.
Whether seeking guidance, coping strategies, or simply desiring someone to talk to, our team is here to provide the necessary support. The support forms are designed to be easy to complete, ensuring a personalised and confidential approach to well-being.
We encourage all students to proactively utilise these forms, taking a step towards a healthier and more positive school experience. Your well-being matters to us, and we are committed to providing the resources needed for you to thrive at Falmouth School.
Student Support Request Form - to book yourself or your child in for dedicated support form our wellbeing team. Our team meet daily to triage these requests and prioritise their resources accordingly.